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Year 5 Team Britto


Summer 2

Summer 1

Spring 2

Spring 1

Autumn 2

Autumn 1

Sports Day!

We had a brilliant class trip to Nottingham, followed by fun and games at our camp fire tea back at school!

As part of Healthy Eating Week we prepared and ate a delicious vegetable chilli with rice. We even made our own tortilla which tasted great!

We had lots of fun breaking into blocks of ice to discover frozen clues about Ernest Shackleton and his Endurance expedition!

During Time to Shine, we challenged ourselves to make as many flags from around the world using Lego!

As part of our new topic, we have carried out a fieldwork project on Bulwell. Here we are doing our traffic survey!

We had lots of fun at ice skating!

World Book Day fun!

Oh no! Year 5 were evacuated from the city to the countryside!

Year 5 have worked in teams to create their own news programme reporting on the declaration of World War Two.

Year 5 have worked in teams to create their own news programme reporting on the declaration of World War Two.

As part of Children's Mental Health Week, we read 'The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse' by Charlie Macksey. We loved his illustrations so much that we decided to create our own illustrations in his style!

We took part in the BBC Live Lesson as part of our work on Safer Internet Day.

We learned about how Chinese New Year is celebrated. We created our own piece of artwork celebrating the Year of the Rabbit and enjoyed making and tasting delicious spring rolls!

We enjoyed using props and the green screen to create these images of us as scientists!

As part of our new topic, we created our own overflowing chemical reactions!

We had a great time at our Christmas Party and meeting Santa!

We tasted food that would have been eaten in the Victorian times: our own Victoria sponge cakes, brown bread ice cream, boiled ham, barley water...and even a little bit of gruel!

WOW! We had some VERY special visitors for Elf Day!

Here we are enjoying our Reading Gem launch day!

We designed and made our very own fairground rides...

...Here's a few of them in action!


In Computing, we designed and coded our own Scratch quizzes about The Goose Fair!

We enjoyed making our own Chocolate Apples! Yum!

We've been developing our tag rugby skills in PE this half term. We've enjoyed taking part in different drills to improve our speed, strength and agility!

We used Now Press Play to develop our understanding of different types of forces!

In Science, we learned about Centripetal Force (a force we experience on rollercoasters). We had lots of fun experiencing this force for ourselves - some of us were even brave enough to try it with a bucket of water!

Centripetal force in action!




As part of Time to Shine, we enjoyed making pitta bread pizzas! They were delicious!

To launch our new topic, we held our very own fairground morning! We enjoyed mushy peas and mint sauce, candyfloss and lots of fairground games!

We started the year with a marshmallow tower building teamwork challenge!