Year 4 Team Kusama
Summer 2
- Team Kusama Year 4 Newsletter Summer 2.pdf
- Team Kusama Year 4 Team Knowledge Organiser 2022-2023 Summer 2.pdf
Summer 1
Spring 2
- Team Letter - Team Kusama - Year 4 Newsletter - Spring 2.docx.pdf
- Knowledge organiser - Team Kusama - Year 4 - Spring 2 – 2022-23.docx.pdf
Spring 1
- Team Letter - Team Kusama - Year 4 - Spring 1 - 2022-2023.pdf
- Knowledge organiser – Team Kusama - Year 4 – Spring 1 – 2022-23.pdf
Autumn 2
- Team letter – Team Kusama – Year 4 - Autumn 2 – 2022-23.pdf
- Knowledge organiser – Team Kusama - Year 4 – Autumn 2 – 2022-23.pdf
Autumn 1
We went on a trip to find out all about Robin Hood but I think we got into a bit of trouble. Look where we ended up!!!
We made Roman sandals.
During healthy eating week, we made granola, yoghurt and fruit parfait. It was delicious!
We learned how the Romans made roads and created our own versions using biscuits and chocolate!
To launch our learning about the famous Robin Hood, year 4 have told stories around a campfire in the forest and made Robin Hood hats.
We celebrated the coronation today.
After learning about the siege on Nottingham Castle, we acted out the battle with year 3. Next week, we are going to write newspaper articles about the event.
Team Kusama are learning about Bulwell and how to read maps, we have made 3D maps of the area around school.
We are extremely proud of the home learning Year 4 have been doing about insects, well done everyone!
Year 4 have been using drama to learn why bees are dying and what we can do to help them.
World Book Day!
Team Kusama have been learning about life cycles of insects.
After learning about the different layers of the ocean, Year 4 have created these brilliant ocean diagrams.
We explored the Great Barrier Reef using the VR kits today!
Year 4 have designed, created and evaluated night lights to link with our electricity topic.
We are extremely proud of our Iron Man paintings!
To link with our superhero comics, Team Kusama have created some onomatopoeia art.
Year 4 have been creating our own electricity superheroes and have made comics about them.
We had so much fun on our Iron Age day with the Year 3s! We had a go at weaving, made druid flowers crowns, moulded Iron Age beakers out of clay and took part in many other exciting Iron Age activities.
Year 4 baked delicious Bronze Age biscuits.
Team Kusama made Stonehenge out of biscuits.
Today, we had so much fun taking part in the Now Press Play Stone Age experience.
To launch our Stone Age topic, we made stone axes and created cave paintings.
We used the VR kits to look inside Stone Age caves!
Here is our artwork, we imitated Yayoi Kusama.
We learned about Yayoi Kusama, the famous artist our class in named after.
On transition morning, we thought about why we were proud to be us.