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Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)

The Intent, Implimentation and Impact of our PSHE curriculum:

Our Approach (Intent)

Our PSHE curriculum is designed to help all our children achieve, by raising their aspirations and empowering them with skills to overcome the barriers they face. We have a whole-school approach to PSHE, with the intention of positively impacting on wellbeing, social and safeguarding outcomes for our children.

We believe that our children should come into a happy, supportive environment every day, where they are encouraged to become successful learners, develop their full potential and achieve the highest educational standards they can. Through careful planning, we deliver PSHE themes that develop the knowledge, skills and attributes our children need to protect and enhance their wellbeing. We are committed to teaching them how to stay safe and healthy, how to build and maintain successful relationships and how to become active citizens, responsibly participating in society around them. We strongly encourage our children to see each and everybody’s value, to appreciate and respect diversity within our school and beyond.

Social and emotional aspects of learning feature highly in Springfield’s priorities, as we consider this crucial to enable our children to develop their identity and self-esteem as active, confident members of their community. Staff across the school support the social, moral, spiritual and cultural development of our children and provide them with protective teaching on essential safeguarding issues, developing their knowledge of when and how they can ask for help.

Our mission is to ensure that our children have the independence to work things out for themselves, the confidence to ask for help when they need it and the courage to never give up.

How PSHE is implemented:

Currently we: 

  • Teach PSHE on a daily basis throughout the school day as an integral part of our school ethos, incorporating it within the classroom, through activities and discussions based on our class team names, around school, in the playground, in the dining hall, in PE lessons, through whole school events and through our assembly themes.
  • Teach specific aspects of PSHE following the three core areas of:
    • Health and Wellbeing
    • Relationships
    • Living in the Wider World   

through discreet lessons, within our half termly curriculum topics and through Science, PE, Computing and RSE lessons.

  • Have implemented a ‘Just Like Me, Bee Like Me’ initiative throughout school, that encompasses and celebrates every child’s individuality, heritage, culture, interests and diversity. 
  • Have our ‘Springy Family’ who encompass our Springfield values and beliefs. These characters relate to aspects and areas of PSHE, such as Good Choice Charlie, Teamwork Tai-ling.

  • Have incorporated ‘The Colour Monster’ theme in every class and throughout school, where daily ‘check-ins’ feature every morning to promote well-being checks and emotional literacy.
  • Have personalised timetables for children who struggle with mainstream classroom settings, including individual morning ‘meet and greets’.
  • Hold social group interventions throughout school.
  • Have a Nurture class (The Beehive) for children identified as needing targeted social and emotional support that focuses on aspects of PSHE such as turn taking, self-esteem, positive communication and self regulation.
  • Have an ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) who works with children identified as needing targeted emotional support e.g ‘My Space’.
  • Hold musical interaction groups in EYFS for those children who need extra support in their Communication and Language, and Personal Social and Emotional development. These sessions support children to develop turn taking, develop their confidence and communication skills.
  • Focus on different aspects of PSHE in our assemblies, incorporating our Springy values and encompassing current issues and debates.
  • Award ‘Special Mentions’ certificates in Friday assemblies in recognition of children’s academic and behaviour achievements.
  • Hold whole school Singing assemblies to embrace and encourage ‘togetherness’ and well-being
  • Hold events to encourage and promote and encourage our Springy values e.g Elf Day, Children in Need, World Book Day, ‘Odd Socks’ Downs Syndrome Awareness day
  • Hold a free Breakfast Club to encourage children to come to school on time, begin the day on a healthy breakfast and enter into their day’s learning in a positive frame of mind.
  • Ensure a member of SLT is by the entrance gate every morning to ‘meet and greet’ children and parents, support with any problems or queries, and check on the wellbeing of the children and their families as they come into school.
  • Ensure that there is a member of staff every morning to give a warm welcome and model how to greet others politely as the children come into the classroom.

Where can you see the impact of our PSHE curriculum?

  • Pupil voice – children express their views, knowledge and ideas through discussions and debates and through their work in their Learning Journeys.
  • Corridor and classroom displays – The Colour Monster, Bee Like Me and our Springy Family feature heavily around school.
  • The behaviour of the children – the children respond positively to our initiatives: The Colour Monster, Bee Like Me and our Springy Family.