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Nursery - F1 Summer 2

CONGRATULATIONS to all of our SHINING STAR winners this half term.

21.7.23 Mrs Page's mum came to visit us again and read us some stories! Thank you!

21.7.23 It is starting to get a bit exciting in Team Rainbow. We are having some work done on the outside of the building during the summer holidays and we watched the builders start to set up!

11-14.7.23 We had lots of fun learning about dinosaurs and do lots of dinosaur activities!

10.7.23 We ended our fantastic day by holding our own 'campfire experience'. We sang songs, played games and ate hotdogs and ice cream!

10.7.23 White Post Farm came to visit us and brought with us some animals for us to learn about and we could stroke them - if we wanted to!

7.7.23 Mrs Straw helped us all have a go at mixing different colours to see what would happen!

7.7.23 We have been exploring 3D shapes this week and we had lots of fun making bridges to help the Billy Goats Gruff to get to the grass.

6.7.23 It was our final performance of the year and it was great fun to act out The Three Billy Goats Gruff in front of all of the children.

5.7.23 We had lots of fun reading our story The Three Billy Goats Gruff this week especially when Mrs. Page brought in her Troll puppet for us to use!

30.6.23 We have been working hard writing our own names this term and we are getting there!

29.6.23 Mrs Straw helped Logan and Ollie plant some seedlings that they had grown at home and brought into to school to plant. THANK YOU!

21.6.23 Another fantastic turn our for our Stay and Read. THANK YOU to everyone for giving us your support!

16.6.23 We were very lucky to have Mrs Page's mum and dad come to visit us and read us a story.

12-16.6.23 We have spent all week talking about healthy eating and as the weather has been so hot we have made sure we have drank lots of water and eaten fruit and vegetables. We have had fun trying different types including dried fruits!

9.6.23 Our secret reader this week was Mrs Straw's daughter. Thank you so much for coming and joining in with Team Rainbow for the morning!

8.6.23 We loved listening to the Animal Boogie song by Barefoot Books and had lots of fun having a go ourselves!




7.6.23 We are continuing with our Stay and Read session and it was lovely to see so many of you join us again!

6.6.23 Our new topic this half term is ANIMALS and we are looking closely at REPTILES. To introduce this to the children we all went into the hall and listened to a story called SNAKE SUPPER. We then had a go at acting out the story and pretending to be snakes slithering across the floor.