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Lunch Menus

Free School Meal criteria guidance April 2018 to March 2025

LUNCH MENU (subject to change) - January 2025 onwards for all year groups

Dinners remain very good value at £2.50 per day (£12.50 per week).  Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 all receive a universal free meal under current government legislation.  If your children are older and you are in receipt of benefits then you may be eligible for them to also get a free school meal.  Please ask at the office if you want more information on free school meals.

Please remember to log onto the Arbor App so that you can book and pay for your child's meal with ease.

Please remember children should either have dinners or sandwiches on a weekly basis.  There should be NO mid-week changing as this causes problems ordering food in advance and makes unnecessary waste.  Dinners must be ordered/paid for on Mondays by 9am.

All our school lunches are cooked and prepared on the premises from fresh ingredients.  Menus are carefully planned so that they are what the children want whilst still ensuring that they are provided with a healthy and balanced diet.